
My personal insights into people, events, and ideas.

The thoughts that have come to mind are illustrated with the painting seen in the background. The story of the creation of this painting is as follows. Painted by my good college friend Drew, a Hawaiian native. Drew had been experiencing visual stimulations of acid while remaining grounded by smoking marijuana. Acid is said to show vibrant visions and create stimulating scenes in the imagination, while marijuana as Bob Marley is quoted "reveals you to yourself" This painting is the vision that came to Drew and this the story of the revelation I saw in his painting.

I had been researching and speaking with many on the topic of the mayans, the anti-christ etc. and had been with my good friend Cole this night. A firm believer in vibrations and frequencies that we may atune with, Cole and I discussed these mystical powers as well as the coming of planet x or nibiru. During our discussion he stopped and left the room to return with Drews painting, immediately I saw it.
Notice at the top, screeching across the sky, this is nibiru. Believed to come from the South is a comet/planet that is so large and will pass by so closely that all will see it and the Earth will "bow" to it as the Earth shifts its magnetic pole to orient it self away from the Sun to Nibiru before returning to the Sun.
Speculation for such an event is heightend as google sky maps has 1 area blocked out in all of the stars. The response is that there is a glitch in the system....since 2007.

The Mayans believed that the Anunaki or star people would return and that they search for Gold. In a heiroglyphs depicting 2012 is a serpent spewing water. Both are portrayed here as the streak has swirls of what looks to be water, and flakes of gold coming from it.

My personal belief is the Anunaki account for the third of the angels that came to the earth with Lucifer, the fallen angel also known as satan. They search for gold in an attempt to create a heaven like the one they left. (see blog about gold and crowns coming soon.) And the serpent that spews water is the dawning of the age of aquarious, the water bearer, an age of which we are entering while simultaneous Ophiucus, the snake handler, has come into precession and will return in the later months of 2012.

To continue with the painting, the lower right hand corner shows what looks to be the earth, emitting what I have interpretted to be souls, the time of the rapture. The time when all those who know and have accepted the salvation of Jesus Christ as the Messiah and Gods Son, will not perish but have everlasting life. They will be snatched up from the earth to dwell with Him for all eternity.

The left side depicts light and blood radiating back and forth from the heavens and the earth. Gods glory is coming down as "hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down on the earth."

The center piece is what grabbed me and tied everything together. The image resembles what we have come to refer a Mayan glyph of the sacred tree. Pictured below

Eric Von Daniken and various others believe this is actually a depiction of a space craft or rocket ship. Where as many tohers believe it is the not the asscention to the heavens however, the decesention into the underworld. An interesting duality of one picture. Yet similarly seen in the painting by Drew. Even to take it a step further is the green lines that hash the top and how they seem to resemble the pyramid with an elevated top. Referring back to my Maslows pyramid, I believe that many will try to reach self-actualization or enlightenment by alternate means, specifically drugs and false idols.

To summarize this picture by Drew depicts the coming of the end times. The coming of Nibiru, the Anunaki, the rapture, the tribulation, and the paradigm of those who are left behind. Many will be uncertain of what has happend and many more of what will happen, to those who feel in control and rest on their own understandings, they will seek comfort in the false hopes from their claimed assention and will know only the fall into the underworld.