
Food is a fundamental necessity for all living things. Maslows hierarchy of needs is built with food at its foundation along side breathing and water. To ascend any higher in life I suggest we examine/rebuild our foundations. To do so I will define my terms and explore the history of food to see if we have possibly gone off course. Food is thought of typically being prepared for you or home made. So one would either purchase food from a restaurant or fast food chain, while the other typically refers to purchasing food from the market (the place where ingredients are prepared for us) and making the meal ourselves.  In either case money is required. Restaurants are thought to be more expensive as there is not only food but waiters there to serve you. ahhh relaxing, enjoyable time yet pricey plus a tip. Or the other side of the spectrum is fast food which doesnt even require you to get out of the car! Simply order pull through as you scavenge for some change pay and pull out, ahhh quick easy and cheap! Ok what about the home made meal and the market? Drive to the market buy some ingredients for later meals then drive home. Once your there you need to prepare the food and serve it to yourself and others if you got em! Looong, tiring process, yet rewarding and possibly  a healthy choice was made yet most likely an incomplete meal unless you have the mind and money to purchase organic foods. Food inc. is a great documentary about this food war at the cost of health. Some of you enlightened thought of the growing your own food as I did. No car necessary, no money required except for initial start up costs. There are plenty of proven systems to make food and even make money. Unfortunately, most start with a large investment, build $materials, labor$ a garden $tools, supplies, seeds, water$ and maintain it $time, work$ uh oh this sounds awful right. So many of us who choose to atleast give it a try to be self-sustaining will attempt to grow a garden. The typical process would be as follows: Dependent on space, land availability, and money to invest, determines your starting point. so lets say YOU know WHERE because you have a yard capable of planting a garden with $200. Now you research WHAT you want to plant and WHEN etc. but HOW? this is where many become scheming, stingy and stupid. I said that you had $200 not $200-ISH to invest but of course you want to be smart about how you invest your money, go you. how can I spend less money and get more. hmmm. immediately corners begin to be cut and the integrity of the plan compromised. Try this demonstration. take a piece of paper and write all your dreams and goals, fill it up with as much detail as you can, provide time frames, where youd like to travel, what you want to experience, and when you want to do everything on your list. Now get some scissors...and cut the corners, now cut all the corners again, get my point. Invest whatever you have to invest. If its $100 cut your paper in half (hold onto the other half because you will save over a $100 your first year!) Now re-cycle (to re-use something thats been used yet still has more to offer) allowing you to spend even LESS on your investment! Achieve everything on your list. If too many corners get cut there becomes too many pieces to the puzzle with all the pieces shaped the same. I hope this is making cents to you and worth the read, dont worry I wont leave you here. I do understand that not everyone has a yard or $200 Ill post more ideas to help obtain a new, reliable  source for food. Think about that too. What if food prices went up due to shortages, or taxes increased on foods at the market or restaurants. Many people would probably riot and steal to fulfill that fundamental need for food for themselves and their family. But what if YOU had been growing food and now this time comes, YOU can then feed others who are starving to work for you, which then allows you to RE-CYCLE to grow more food and by more I mean more than you could possibly eat yourself! Dont be self-ISH be self-LESS.