Friday, July 22, 2011

A recent revelation on the topic of gold and crowns

           Gold is the most sought after and precious commodity on the planet. But why? Oil has given gold a run for its money and may surpass gold, as many European countries have chosen to back their monetary system by oil rather than gold. Oil is a very desirable commodity as it has an abundance of uses. Oil is a precious resource that has become scarce, thus its value has risen. Yet gold…gold is much different then oil. It is said there is a great abundance of gold veins yet to be tapped into, so it is by no means scarce although difficult to find, yes. Gold also has very few uses, other than value in the monetary system gold itself is typically used only for adorning jewelry and the like, strictly for aesthetically pleasing attributes. Gold and oil do share mans present and historic desire to use both resources to capitalize financial gains, even at the cost of human lives.
            The revelation began with crowns. Ancient crowns dawned on the heads of kings through out centuries of history and around the world. Crowns are a visual display of power and status, many crafted from gold with precious stones embedded within there grandiose designs. Crowns are worn by royalty.
            There are depictions some claim to be aliens and the like of beings with an aora about them depicted around the world with many interpretations. Even the Bible mentions that gray hair is a crown of glory; attained through righteous life in the book of Proverbs. Angels are often illustrated having halo’s above their heads.
            I know I threw out some very different examples but I think they portray the crown in a fascinating way, I’ll explain. Before God in Heaven stands Angels known as Cherubims. They are there to stand with wings spread wide facing angels who come to give praise to the King of kings, Lord of lords and God of gods to protect them from the glory of God. God in all His Glory shines into all the darkness of the Universe. Similar as the Sun shines on the Earth and into space, even reflecting off the Moon at night. His glory knows no bounds. The Sun is impossible to look at with the naked eye for more than an instant, however when the sun is rising, or the more familiar, sunset, the sun is inviting and captivating. Next time you choose to witness one of these events, look at the color of the Sun and try to describe it, I have and described its color is the most pure form of gold in all of its glory.
            From the glory and power of God in the Heavens above, to the glory and power of the Sun in the sky above, to the glory and power of gold on Earth. From the glory that radiates from God, to the light emanating from the heads of angels, to the gold on the heads of kings, gold is the best representation we have on Earth to mimic our Father in Heaven. How simple are we as people, fighting over gold in an attempt to gain glory and power so that by our actions we may gain a crown. Yet if we listen to our Fathers word, live just and be righteous, a crown of splendor will adorn our heads and one day we will be with Him in Heaven and witness His kingdom and His power and His glory.
            Thinking still of the splendor of His glory I am remind of this moment not too long ago. I work installing solar tubular devices, as you may imagine these tubes reflect the sunlight and disperse it into an area inside. The reflectivity in this tube is of the highest quality, at 99.7% it is the best on the market. So as I was finishing the install of one tube, wrapping up a small gap about an inch wide with a piece of reflective tubing, I looked inside the tube. I had done this many times before but this time was different. I had a perspective that was right at eye level, closing in all possible exits for the Sun’s light to escape except for a small window for my eyes to gaze into the tube. The brilliance of the light reflecting was incredible. It looked as if I was peering into a diamond that was perfectly cut. Yet this was more than a diamond, this was light. Light that had been harnessed and focused down a tube of billions of mirrors reflecting only light. I was truly impressed at the brilliance of what I had seen. I eagerly look forward to standing before my God and His angels to give Him thanks and praise in the midst of His brilliance in His kingdom.
           I almost forgot, some may say we'll not all kings or royalty wore crowns, undeniably true. Alternate crowns that come to mind are headdresses, typically made of...feathers! (read article on Mayans) The Mayans as I've stated before, in my personal opinion are Lucifers "people" of sorts. In the way God chose the Jews, I believe Lucifer the Mayans. The feathered serpent, is there reveared god whom they immitated and sought royalty through science and wisdom. All fascinating stuff to me and thats why I write about it. So to re-cap, I believe people attempting to recreate the glory of God wore gold to signify power and glory where as those influenced by lucifer used feathers to resemble the great feathered serpent.  

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