Many people are contemplating the directions of the near future. Will this be a great awakening, a time of enlightenment? Will the economy recover? Will the fighting continue overseas? We are so worried about tomorrow its ridiculous. Having listened to a sermon on Sunday on the topic of worrying; my mind took me in the opposite direction. But before analyzing the past lets look at whats going on in the here and now. People especially in America are becoming infatuated with themselves! Stupid shows like jersey shore and all the rest of it is portraying the most inflated egos possibly of all time. I mean that as a collective group of people. Furthermore, I read posts too often, proclaiming "we are gods!" How can we be humans and gods?
Anyways, back on topic. Lets go back.
I believe that what is happening is mankind is actually degenerating. A few things I've come to notice is how far the English language has deteriorated and how quickly. I recently completed the novel around the world in 80 days, the works of Jules Verne. I was so thankful that Kindle has a dictionary that allows you to click on a word and its definition comes up. It was unbelievable how many words I had to look up! Easily one every few paragraphs. Granted a few came up as being terms of the time (late 1800s) but still very surprising at how eloquently he wrote and with such a vast knowledge and understanding of the English language. My point is the writing styles and the vocabulary used is far more advanced then on a common level compared to todays standard.
With the advent of texting people have become much more efficient in communicating. Ah the ease of, I'll just send a text, "pls lemme no n e upd8, thnx!" Short and sweet, right? well I think its rotten. We are decaying rapidly. We all know what is this person is writing and what it means and I don't think that will change but for generations to come, I think, they will struggle with writing basic English. Sure there is spell-check and auto correct but do we need to depend on those crutches to communicate and should we be crippling following generations and retarding them with our lackadaisical approach to the privilege of literacy? Those who do have texting most likely have unlimited texts anyways so why not write in a proper form? Maybe even throw in a word of the day others may have to look up. Just my two cents on the topic.
Ok so huh?
What I believe is that we as humans are not progressing as many believe we are from the cave man days and I see language as a prime example of that; we are no longer going forward but drifting backward. I believe we are honestly drifting away, in the current of laziness, greed, convenience, instant-gratification fear and power. I believe that when man was created he was good, although he did have the knowledge of good and evil, he still had knowledge; Adam did walk with God in the garden.
God, throughout the Bible, destroys things: cities, towers, nearly all of man-kind. Jesus even wrecks shop at the temple, he also condemns a fig tree which withers and dies the following morning. Why though, why would they do these things? God saw that Soddom and Gammora were vile places, they worshipped false idols and practiced perverse acts; it was no longer good and God destroyed it. The tower, was built after the flood and God promised that he would never flood the world again, yet they began to build a tower, one that would withstand a flood: God destroyed it and separated languages. People after such events which there are many of them that run the full spectrum, they responded to Gods actions. Many people were probably not too happy with God after the languages were split, the world had just endured a flood for 40 days! People, I believe began to distance themselves from God. Just as it was for Adam, after sin entered was he walking with God? nope.
Its catastrophes that have separated us from God as they are caused by us in my opinion. Yet, in all of them something good comes of it because God is in all things. From these catastrophes, people learn to adapt. There becomes a leveling of the playing field. In the movie the Sandlot, Smalls is the new kid to the neighborhood. He meets a group of boys who play baseball. He gets accepted although he cant throw simply because he makes 9, a full team. They teach him and they play other kids and Benny "the Jet" Rodriguez becomes a pro ball player who steals home. One of the great movie classics. Well lets say that was not how the movie went. How about they had a full team, then because of the war 5 of them shipped out with there folks. Still wanting to play, they looked for anyone fill a spot on the field, even girls. :gasp: The level of play would be dismal, with all new players learning the game, practice would built around the basics rather than excelling talents. Would the Jet have gotten in the biggest pickle of his life? Probably not because his role in the movie would have changed. They never would have hit the homer, which would never have given them a reason to try to get it from the beast. But as the movie goes, they did and they find out its a nice beast who was owned by a former Yankee's player and team mate to the great bambino. Thus, the goodness of the catastrophe.
After the flood though, it seems as if people did not want to be on God's team anymore. They walked away, and settled else creating new games, and adapting. I am not saying baseball is the greatest game, Lacrosse is but the people created new gods, and found new players. With strength in numbers, like-minded people they have felt empowered that perhaps they found "the way" and challenge God and his team, the Jews and those who follow Jesus Christ. The opponents have been trying for hundreds if not thousands of years to beat God on his "home field" of Israel. Israel will never lose because God will never lose. Jesus will come and redeem.
I started out this article about directions and I do intend to finish it with this parable. We are a world driven; whether it be by money, power, fame, etc. the world is driven and God has blessed us with a map that shows every cross road on the path of the Jews from beginning to end. Many people dont look to the map and feel lost, or they find refuge in other ways others have gone yet go in a direction away from God. In essence they are driving backwards looking in the rear view mirror. The rear view mirror is so small compared to the front windshield. Nothing is quite as it seems in the mirror, things appear to be far off yet when driving backwards looking into the rear view they can come very soon. Only as things pass can do many people see them as they are unhindered by the limited perspective of the mirror. Thus, hine sight is always 20-20. The funny thing about the rear view mirror is that you are able to see yourself. The people who are driving this way are becoming more and more focused on themselves then even the road. The narcissism of our society and direction many are headed is to death. I ask you to sit down in your driver seat, adjust your mirrors for there purposes strap your seat belt on and follow Jesus. He will lead you back to God. Turns will not be fearful, objects will come as they appear to be coming, look to the map to guide you and when objects are in the road that you can so easily avoid and you think to yourself, "what was that?" check the rear view real quick and thank God for keeping you safe and alert and not hitting that bucket of paint you most likely would have hit had you been looking at yourself in the mirror or driving backwards, would have been a mess and could have done some damage, especially how you may have reacted to hitting it. Be at ease, go forward in life and be purposeful with God's plan.
The Unknown Universe Known in 2012 blog is dedicated to exploring history in search of Truths by means of astronomical, geographical, prophetic, and concurring beliefs in various religions and cultures around the world and through out antiquity as indicators to better understand the impending future.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Having just completed my degree in International Studies I recently got to experience the dreaded final exams, once again. I have been plagued by spanish and after "walking" in 2009 I still had one more spanish course to take before I could obtain my bachelors. I should also mention that I had attempted to take this course before and did not complete it. So another year and another go bye until I am sitting infront of my computer taking the final....if I pass I get a degree, job opportunities, satisfaction of is another successive failure, prolonged agony, wasted time, depression, stagnation. Needless to say I successfully completed the course and for that I am greatly releaved. But this came to mind:
Tests are made to challenge the test taker about what it is they know. Some are statements that are either true or false. These can decieve us with the slightest alteration to the wording. i.e. The San Diego Chargers are the best football team in the NFC. True or False? Every word in this statement is true (totally biased...OR future prophecy!?) with the exception of one letter....C. The Chargers play in the NFL in the AFC Western Conference, not the NFC conference. So while they could be the best team in the NFL AND the AFC they could not be the best in the NFC because they simply are not apart of that conference. One little letter changes the whole statement, you "C"? NFC is so similar to NFL too....tricky question with such a look alike imposter in the place of the truth.
Fill in the blanks with no word bank are by far the worst to answer in my opinion. They require you to know the answer without any assistance in recalling the answer except in the statement or question i.e. the 26th president, [ ] , remained in office for 2 terms. uhhhh...I had to look him up too. Some of you may have known it was Teddy Roosevelt. others just could not remember his name, and still some had no clue imputting an "educated guess".
The multiple choice questions are by far the trickiest of questions. Essential comprised of multiple true false questions although only one is in fact true; fairly simple when one knows the correct answer. Although often times we do not know for certain the correct answer thus we make our best educated guess. Lets take that decision into a more inclusive setting like in who wants to be a millionaire. Say we are posed with the million dollar question and we are not certain of the answer. We would use all our life-lines; ask the audience, to get the general consencious; 50:50 to narrow the odds and phone a friend to tell them your about to win a million dollars. But we had better be sure because that is a lot of money to lose. (<---yes, thats how you spell it!) ok so is 500k or whatever it is if you got it wrong but say we were in a cash cab with a chance to double the money, all-or-nothing! We would really be feeling the pressure to make sure we are fa sho!
Dont we do this a lot though? About important decisions too. We might poll our family or friends or co-workers, think about it and usually boil it down to a 50:50 type answer, either this or that right?...and maybe we call up a friend and tell them what we decided for a little extra confidence boost in our decision. Now say we actually did a little research before we answered any of these life questions and I mean independent research, what would our answers look like then? Answers that were not influenced by the majority, narrowed by some tid bit of information which still leaves that, weeeeell could be that one...kinda feeling, or our go to feel good yes guy/girl; the person in your life that seems to NEVER think your wrong and will side with you on ANYTHING without question.
Now before I go on I think it should be stated that information and research can mess anyone up and lead someone to a very wrong answer based on the information they recieve. Take the movie Slumdog millionaire for example if you havent seen it spoiler alert! In the end during a commercial break the show host tells him the answer is B to win the million dollars after giving a heart felt relation building story. The guy then sits in the chair and says....D Final answer. BOOM The guy wins the million and ends up being accused of cheating. The guy knew something though, he knew the information he was recieving was bad advice and that the host had a motive.
I believe that satan has a motive. There is only one right answer and yet satan will cloud our minds with all sorts of things from subtle distractions, impulses, apathy, anger, lies, bad info, any little thing to throw us off the trail. This just reminded me of the show LOST because they always double back and leave dummy trails when they feel they are being followed. What if you are seeking God, Satan is very motivated you dont find God but only His trail, even then satan will lead you, persuade, and convice you of an easier path to take. Maybe just a "short cut" which there is no such thing because then it would be just called the way. Jesus said, "I am the Way the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14: 5-7.
I have studied many religions/beliefs and have found powerful teachings and insights into life and the universe in each one of them. I am a Christian because I am a follower of Jesus Christ and it is through Jesus I may know God and through His word in the Bible I may know both God and Jesus Christ as it is the foundation for my salvation along with a ever growing relationship with Jesus Christ so that I may one day be with Him in the kingdom of Heaven. He is the King of kings, Lord of lords and God of gods and I am His humble servant. So I urge you search your heart and mind for the questions about life and the after life, and what you may have answered then ask yourself why it is you believe that to be true. Even if you align with no religion and believe in a higher being there still stands many questions as to human existance. Id ask you personally why the higher being would not be God? And if you believe in God would He communicate with us and leave a legacy of His teachings and proof of His existance?
I understand religion is very heavy topic, one that impacts the very essance of a man in his heart and soul, but I urge you to humbly research your beliefs from a researchers perspective not a collectivist perspective, meaning the acquired beliefs collected over the span of ones life. Look with fresh eyes, open to see the world for what it is. This Earth was made perfect, it was satan that tempted man and woman into sin so that our eyes would know good and evil, sin entered the world. God sent His Son to die for those sins and resurrected as proof He is the Messiah the savior of the world as was profesied for hundreds of years. Jesus will return and I believe it to be soon, but not before satan leads many into following the Anti-christ. Jesus will return as it is written and He will strike the serpents head with His heel. Then there will be a new heaven and I new Earth as it was with Gods Kingdom here on Earth. So I pray that you will take the time to research Christianity and compare the questions and answers you have with the Word of God written in the Bible. Examine your beliefs before you answer the questions because your life and your soul is a huge wager that will last for all eternity.
Tests are made to challenge the test taker about what it is they know. Some are statements that are either true or false. These can decieve us with the slightest alteration to the wording. i.e. The San Diego Chargers are the best football team in the NFC. True or False? Every word in this statement is true (totally biased...OR future prophecy!?) with the exception of one letter....C. The Chargers play in the NFL in the AFC Western Conference, not the NFC conference. So while they could be the best team in the NFL AND the AFC they could not be the best in the NFC because they simply are not apart of that conference. One little letter changes the whole statement, you "C"? NFC is so similar to NFL too....tricky question with such a look alike imposter in the place of the truth.
Fill in the blanks with no word bank are by far the worst to answer in my opinion. They require you to know the answer without any assistance in recalling the answer except in the statement or question i.e. the 26th president, [ ] , remained in office for 2 terms. uhhhh...I had to look him up too. Some of you may have known it was Teddy Roosevelt. others just could not remember his name, and still some had no clue imputting an "educated guess".
The multiple choice questions are by far the trickiest of questions. Essential comprised of multiple true false questions although only one is in fact true; fairly simple when one knows the correct answer. Although often times we do not know for certain the correct answer thus we make our best educated guess. Lets take that decision into a more inclusive setting like in who wants to be a millionaire. Say we are posed with the million dollar question and we are not certain of the answer. We would use all our life-lines; ask the audience, to get the general consencious; 50:50 to narrow the odds and phone a friend to tell them your about to win a million dollars. But we had better be sure because that is a lot of money to lose. (<---yes, thats how you spell it!) ok so is 500k or whatever it is if you got it wrong but say we were in a cash cab with a chance to double the money, all-or-nothing! We would really be feeling the pressure to make sure we are fa sho!
Dont we do this a lot though? About important decisions too. We might poll our family or friends or co-workers, think about it and usually boil it down to a 50:50 type answer, either this or that right?...and maybe we call up a friend and tell them what we decided for a little extra confidence boost in our decision. Now say we actually did a little research before we answered any of these life questions and I mean independent research, what would our answers look like then? Answers that were not influenced by the majority, narrowed by some tid bit of information which still leaves that, weeeeell could be that one...kinda feeling, or our go to feel good yes guy/girl; the person in your life that seems to NEVER think your wrong and will side with you on ANYTHING without question.
Now before I go on I think it should be stated that information and research can mess anyone up and lead someone to a very wrong answer based on the information they recieve. Take the movie Slumdog millionaire for example if you havent seen it spoiler alert! In the end during a commercial break the show host tells him the answer is B to win the million dollars after giving a heart felt relation building story. The guy then sits in the chair and says....D Final answer. BOOM The guy wins the million and ends up being accused of cheating. The guy knew something though, he knew the information he was recieving was bad advice and that the host had a motive.
I believe that satan has a motive. There is only one right answer and yet satan will cloud our minds with all sorts of things from subtle distractions, impulses, apathy, anger, lies, bad info, any little thing to throw us off the trail. This just reminded me of the show LOST because they always double back and leave dummy trails when they feel they are being followed. What if you are seeking God, Satan is very motivated you dont find God but only His trail, even then satan will lead you, persuade, and convice you of an easier path to take. Maybe just a "short cut" which there is no such thing because then it would be just called the way. Jesus said, "I am the Way the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14: 5-7.
I have studied many religions/beliefs and have found powerful teachings and insights into life and the universe in each one of them. I am a Christian because I am a follower of Jesus Christ and it is through Jesus I may know God and through His word in the Bible I may know both God and Jesus Christ as it is the foundation for my salvation along with a ever growing relationship with Jesus Christ so that I may one day be with Him in the kingdom of Heaven. He is the King of kings, Lord of lords and God of gods and I am His humble servant. So I urge you search your heart and mind for the questions about life and the after life, and what you may have answered then ask yourself why it is you believe that to be true. Even if you align with no religion and believe in a higher being there still stands many questions as to human existance. Id ask you personally why the higher being would not be God? And if you believe in God would He communicate with us and leave a legacy of His teachings and proof of His existance?
I understand religion is very heavy topic, one that impacts the very essance of a man in his heart and soul, but I urge you to humbly research your beliefs from a researchers perspective not a collectivist perspective, meaning the acquired beliefs collected over the span of ones life. Look with fresh eyes, open to see the world for what it is. This Earth was made perfect, it was satan that tempted man and woman into sin so that our eyes would know good and evil, sin entered the world. God sent His Son to die for those sins and resurrected as proof He is the Messiah the savior of the world as was profesied for hundreds of years. Jesus will return and I believe it to be soon, but not before satan leads many into following the Anti-christ. Jesus will return as it is written and He will strike the serpents head with His heel. Then there will be a new heaven and I new Earth as it was with Gods Kingdom here on Earth. So I pray that you will take the time to research Christianity and compare the questions and answers you have with the Word of God written in the Bible. Examine your beliefs before you answer the questions because your life and your soul is a huge wager that will last for all eternity.
Friday, July 22, 2011
A recent revelation on the topic of gold and crowns
Gold is the most sought after and precious commodity on the planet. But why? Oil has given gold a run for its money and may surpass gold, as many European countries have chosen to back their monetary system by oil rather than gold. Oil is a very desirable commodity as it has an abundance of uses. Oil is a precious resource that has become scarce, thus its value has risen. Yet gold…gold is much different then oil. It is said there is a great abundance of gold veins yet to be tapped into, so it is by no means scarce although difficult to find, yes. Gold also has very few uses, other than value in the monetary system gold itself is typically used only for adorning jewelry and the like, strictly for aesthetically pleasing attributes. Gold and oil do share mans present and historic desire to use both resources to capitalize financial gains, even at the cost of human lives.
The revelation began with crowns. Ancient crowns dawned on the heads of kings through out centuries of history and around the world. Crowns are a visual display of power and status, many crafted from gold with precious stones embedded within there grandiose designs. Crowns are worn by royalty.
There are depictions some claim to be aliens and the like of beings with an aora about them depicted around the world with many interpretations. Even the Bible mentions that gray hair is a crown of glory; attained through righteous life in the book of Proverbs. Angels are often illustrated having halo’s above their heads.
I know I threw out some very different examples but I think they portray the crown in a fascinating way, I’ll explain. Before God in Heaven stands Angels known as Cherubims. They are there to stand with wings spread wide facing angels who come to give praise to the King of kings, Lord of lords and God of gods to protect them from the glory of God. God in all His Glory shines into all the darkness of the Universe. Similar as the Sun shines on the Earth and into space, even reflecting off the Moon at night. His glory knows no bounds. The Sun is impossible to look at with the naked eye for more than an instant, however when the sun is rising, or the more familiar, sunset, the sun is inviting and captivating. Next time you choose to witness one of these events, look at the color of the Sun and try to describe it, I have and described its color is the most pure form of gold in all of its glory.
From the glory and power of God in the Heavens above, to the glory and power of the Sun in the sky above, to the glory and power of gold on Earth. From the glory that radiates from God, to the light emanating from the heads of angels, to the gold on the heads of kings, gold is the best representation we have on Earth to mimic our Father in Heaven. How simple are we as people, fighting over gold in an attempt to gain glory and power so that by our actions we may gain a crown. Yet if we listen to our Fathers word, live just and be righteous, a crown of splendor will adorn our heads and one day we will be with Him in Heaven and witness His kingdom and His power and His glory.
Thinking still of the splendor of His glory I am remind of this moment not too long ago. I work installing solar tubular devices, as you may imagine these tubes reflect the sunlight and disperse it into an area inside. The reflectivity in this tube is of the highest quality, at 99.7% it is the best on the market. So as I was finishing the install of one tube, wrapping up a small gap about an inch wide with a piece of reflective tubing, I looked inside the tube. I had done this many times before but this time was different. I had a perspective that was right at eye level, closing in all possible exits for the Sun’s light to escape except for a small window for my eyes to gaze into the tube. The brilliance of the light reflecting was incredible. It looked as if I was peering into a diamond that was perfectly cut. Yet this was more than a diamond, this was light. Light that had been harnessed and focused down a tube of billions of mirrors reflecting only light. I was truly impressed at the brilliance of what I had seen. I eagerly look forward to standing before my God and His angels to give Him thanks and praise in the midst of His brilliance in His kingdom.
I almost forgot, some may say we'll not all kings or royalty wore crowns, undeniably true. Alternate crowns that come to mind are headdresses, typically made of...feathers! (read article on Mayans) The Mayans as I've stated before, in my personal opinion are Lucifers "people" of sorts. In the way God chose the Jews, I believe Lucifer the Mayans. The feathered serpent, is there reveared god whom they immitated and sought royalty through science and wisdom. All fascinating stuff to me and thats why I write about it. So to re-cap, I believe people attempting to recreate the glory of God wore gold to signify power and glory where as those influenced by lucifer used feathers to resemble the great feathered serpent.
I almost forgot, some may say we'll not all kings or royalty wore crowns, undeniably true. Alternate crowns that come to mind are headdresses, typically made of...feathers! (read article on Mayans) The Mayans as I've stated before, in my personal opinion are Lucifers "people" of sorts. In the way God chose the Jews, I believe Lucifer the Mayans. The feathered serpent, is there reveared god whom they immitated and sought royalty through science and wisdom. All fascinating stuff to me and thats why I write about it. So to re-cap, I believe people attempting to recreate the glory of God wore gold to signify power and glory where as those influenced by lucifer used feathers to resemble the great feathered serpent.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Where Im walking from and an overview of what Im walking on
The message you gave on Sunday can help me sum up my thoughts. I thought you did an excellent job of portraying the dichotomy of judgment, an example you gave was about ordering a drink (you may be covering all this later im not sure but this has been what Ive been wrestling with) but what I believe is the question that comes up undoubtedly is then what do we do. You had said something along the lines of knowing others and meeting them where there at; so as in the issue of ordering a drink, knowing if anyone is an alcoholic who may succumb to the pressure of feeling they must now order a beer, however if one has no understanding of others being alcoholics, then to simply order whatever they truly want regardless of others judgments. "I'll have a water" response "wimp, give me a beer" and if that is a legit stone being cast, not being said in a good natured humorous way but with judgment, we then have the next move. Either hear the words and take them personally resulting with us picking up a stone of our own, or be the bigger person and acknowledge the judgment made, and that it has no substance as you are not changing you but you are simply being you. For if they do not accept you as you are they are not showing the love of God. That is then our move, reflect the love of God and pass the judgment with no hate or harsh judgments of our own but look at them with eyes filled with Gods love.
That being said Ill go back to my initial point being the dichotomy, which is leaving many of us searching for answers. In a documentary called Food Inc., the entire film shows how bad corporations and processed food are while how expensive it is to eat healthy "organic" food. They sum it up by saying the poor are forced to eat from the value menu and only the rich can be healthy. The THIRD option that is NEVER mentioned is to GROW your OWN food. Food we grow ourselves produces continually and the cost is minimal in comparison. We do this because we want to be healthy and free, while the list of reasons we don’t do this go on and on yet without a good reason anywhere. Its just like becoming debt free, make a plan (need one? check out mine), quit spending, and do it! I feel people think they are stuck where they may be at and although I do feel they recognize their situation and they are looking for a way to freedom, they dont look further or take the time to come to an alternate solution that will grant them the freedom they desire. Regardless of the decision people may make, I would like to present a biblical explanation of things to come that may be outside the traditional dichotomy we have created between religion and science. Just as processed food has a benefit of being cheap and almost instant, (Satans way, by using science and that only fuels a few major corporations greedy selves) or organic the way of the rich and worthy (the way I believe Christianity and others are viewed by 97% of the population) I am trying to write something that will meet everyone right where there at in life, telling them this is there life that they have been a slave to and plant the seed that Jesus Christ will come and redeem you.
To go further and my view, that may be hard to grasp especially for believers surprisingly, is the end of times. Although we do not now the hour, day, month or year but we do now he will come like a thief in the night. (Ironic as Satan is described as being like a thief in the night who plants weeds in the field) But we also know that BEFORE Christ returns the Anti-christ will come. I believe that it is Satans nature to do the opposite of Christs, so as Christ will return unexpectedly, Satan has been setting up his return for all time! The stage is being set and Satan is about to put on a show for all the world to see, it is this show that I am trying to show the signs that lead down the wrong path and that Jesus Christ is the only way to be free from this world, free from sin, free from death and free to live!
I guess this is the preface to my writings, the last e-mail was kinda the menu and this is the appetizer, thanks for reading the menu, and please let me know what you think of the appetizers before I go any further. Thank you for your responses to my topics, you hit everyone. I would like to tell you what I have formulated, but as this is new to me and important, I want to make sure im doing to right and thorough. Its a huge topic that many jump over but you have excepted many challenges and I would love to get your thoughts on the validity and possible truths Ive come across. Thanks again for your help, I look forward to hearing from you.
My own beliefs are as follows:
1. Aliens: I believe they are a miss-labeled representation of angels called aliens by science. Although I do believe that there is enough evidence to put a case together that there are other beings that have visited us in the past in flying ships, question is then could they be angels? The mayans called these visitors the anunaki.
2.Angels/Demons are the religious parallel to aliens, beings that have visited us in the past, good and bad alike. However, both in a very real and physical sense, operating in various dimensions and frequencies. While we do not hear much of angels/demons in america and many believe they dont exist where as the possibility for aliens is an open door in a lot of peoples minds, "huge universe and just us, no way" all that.
3.2012 has fascinated me since I've heard about it and now has been the topic for my research paper. The parallel stories and beliefs of the mayans to the christian beliefs and ideas have blown my mind. The mayans in my opinion are the attempts of Lucifer to make something good in this world by means of science and wisdom. the latter is what is reported about the mayans origins. Ive attached my paper for you to look at which will give an idea of the religious parallels, (mayan tab) you can skip to the mayan beliefs Ive highlighted them.
4. The Anti-Christ: In short I feel Satan being the cherubim standing in front of God took the praise as his own, and felt he could create a better civilization. He tempted Eve (who I believe was his idea to create, thus men are from mars and women are from venus, i have a supported theory on why i believe this to be true ) creating the fall of man, which has very real physical components. i.e. we die now etc. As I stated earlier I believe that satan or lucifer, meaning morning light, has a plan and has set a stage for his "arrival" and December of 2012 looks like a great venue. Although we can not control when the end of the world will come, our day will come and we have no idea when that will be. Yet Satan will reveal himself so that all may claim him to be god before the trumpet sounds and his time is up. I am trying to lift this curtain and show the man behind it before he makes his grand entrance, which is to unite the world under one government etc.
5. Revelation: Reading this book blows me away, I cant wrap my head around it and I dont spend too much time trying because it is a fraction of Gods glory and power coming down to earth to destroy satan. But I find myself questioning elements such as heaven, what is heaven? Thats where we want to be with God right but I have a hard time recalling much about it. If you could guide me in that area Id personally greatly appreciate it. Also your thoughts on Enoch, did he die or come back? The book of Enoch, how do you view it?
Im sorry if these run long, Im trying to make it clear although that may be hard to understand now but I hope it will later. I have with me now the "picture of the puzzle" that I have been discovering all the pieces to and I think they fit very well. Going back to my last msg I feel this may be another dichotomy we see between religion vs science. the organic vs the processed. I do believe there is a balance although each side would need to compromise so near to the core of their own beliefs I do not know either would give. Although, and maybe Im wasting both our time, I believe this may change the view of non believers. Whether the world ends or not one day it will for each of us and for many they have fallin down a rabbit hole, and you may read this as rabbit trail after rabbit trail but I believe I have searched for the end and have come to an understanding of the beginning, both with perhaps a more open mind then most who have explored. Admittedly there is more than I could ever know but Satan can be understood and I feel I get where he's coming from and that allows me to see where he's going.
Like a thief in the night he comes and I have tried to use the light of Jesus to explore Satans path and have studied the weeds and now am documenting my findings on the similarities of the plants and the immense differences that will divide them at the day of harvest.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Where do you stand and what are you standing on?
It has been a few weeks since I first approached you. I have been working my mind over the very questions that you posed on Sunday. A few months ago some old college friends started a facebook group called truth keepers. I joined, interested in their postings and definitions of truth. Day after day, I read everything posted by everyone. It became apparent all philosophies of life and truth lined up well with my own understandings, as do most other religions. However, as with all other religions each has a contradictory belief at its very core. Christians believe Jesus Christ to be the Messiah, Jews do not, Muslims believe him to a prophet and not God, Buddhists believe we can all be gods and that the deity dwells within us etc. It became a very real matter of eternal life and death for me and my friends who I care about. With out going too much further I believe, just as you have shown, the church has done a dismal job at loving and accepting others. I have apologized to the friends I have spoken with for the rejections they have felt and the misrepresentation we have on the fundamental beliefs as Christ followers.
Pastor, as you follow God, I follow God. I want to speak with you on my ideas of how to reach the 97% who have rejected the church. God has put a burning desire in my heart. I have 5 questions I'd like to have your personal and doctrinal beliefs. I will list them however, if this is a convo better suited in person I'm open for that as well. Either way I'll list them for you to look over and answer as you please. Thank you so much for reading this may God bless you, your family and your church.
What are your views (personally/doctrinally) on these issues:
1. Aliens
2. Angels/demons
5. The book of Revelation
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